Sep 9, 2010

tours, trips, and talks oh my!

Even though we haven´t been here very long, our group has already gone on lots of trips and tours! Here is some of what we have done:

The beach: our first saturday here we went to the mediterranean coast of spain and had a great time laying out in the sun! We swam, explored the little town (whose name I forget) , and got to know everyone in the group.

Alhambra: We have been to the Alhambra twice. It is this palace in Granada the moors built when the Islamic empire extended into Spain. It is really beautiful. There is so much intricate details in the walls, the ceilings, the arcitecture in general and there are georgous gardens.

Córdoba: Last Sunday we went to Còrdoba to visit the mesqita cathedral. This Cathedral used to be a mosque but when the catholics returned to power in Spain they inserted a cathedral on the inside. The mosque part is just gorgous there are hundreds of columns with arches above them. When you go inside, the imensity of it just is amazing. However, the catholic core is a little embarrassing. I have seen good looking cathedrals- this is just gaudy. My theory is that the catholics decided to try to overpower the mosque (and therefore the lslamic influence on the place) by just trying to cram as much catholic stuff into the core. However, the mosque part of it makes the entire building a must see.

This is just a little bit of what we have done. I am exciting for what's coming up- the beach on sunday! I can't wait!

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