Aug 29, 2010

Ready to go?

Before I write anything else, I just have to get one thing out of the way- I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS TRIP! I am all packed, I said goodbye to Ohio and I am now in Harrisonburg. I keep picturing myself traveling around Spain and Morocco seeing all the fantastic sights, eating good food, and somehow magically my Spanish coming out of my mouth perfectly coherent and grammatically correct. I will become more culturally aware, conversational in arabic, and have a tan the greek gods would be proud of. However, I must admit, I am pushing back fears that my trip will actually include an inability to communicate with anyone who doesn't speak english, getting lost in Spain, and picking up a parasite in morocco. While in reality my trip will probably somewhere in the middle on the Fabulous Scale (I am predicting an overall score of 8.5) , I think the excitement is winning out at the moment.

On another note, I realize that it has been a long time since posting on this site. It feels like its been ages since I graduated high school. I feel really different than the person I was today (I am sure that is a funny thing for a twenty year old to say but i think its true). I had never had a nursing class before, or lived in virginia (or lived with a virginian!), I wasn't a vegetarian and didn't have any idea what I wanted to do (past nursing school). Things are a little different now- and for the better.

Can't wait till tomorrow!


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