Apr 29, 2008

uneventful days

27 de Abril

Well, earlier this week Brian and Tui left and Sharon moved out to live with a family and today we got a new guy, Jason. It's kind of weird to think that Kris and Asya are the only two people that are still living in the house that were there when I first arrived. People are constantly changing here!

Oh! Side Note- Yesterday Sharon went to Managua (the only place you can get American groceries) and she saw some peanut butter and thought of me so now I actually have three jars of peanut butter and every time I get a new jar I upgrade! I am seriously so lucky!!!
28 de Abril

Well today the kids were crazier than usual. There were more than usual (meaning the majority of the class showed up), so maybe there was a mob mentality thing happening or something. . . i don't know. It would be so nice if they were calm for a day. I do think some it has to do with the teaching itself though. The class has a range of ages so the teacher mostly addresses the 4 and 5 year olds and lets the two 3 years olds mostly do what they want because their ability level is lower than the other kids. What I have been trying to to lately is get them more involved in class. It can be hard sometimes because both of them aren't very verbal and don't like to communicate much so it's hard to ask them about colors or parts of the body. I just wish I could do my job better because I don't want to be too mean and make them not want to go to school (because then they might choose not to come to school at all) but I want them to learn too and I am afraid they aren't getting the things they could.

29 de Abril

Right now I am really excited because tomorrow I am going to the Corn Islands for four days. There is no school for the rest of the week so a bunch of volunteers decided to go. The Corn Islands are two islands off the Carribean coast and they are just supposed to be incredibly beautiful and just a lot of fun. Kris and Asya went during Semana Santa and loved it. I am really excited. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, how about an updated photo of you reading Harry Potter on that hammock on little corn island? Seeing is believing.